
Difference Between Promotional SMS and Transection SMS


Bulk SMS used In two ways : 
Transactional Text SMS & Promotional Text SMS. These two special packages available in the market are effective & quick marketing tool. Every business needs promotion for its development & Growth.

In transactional SMS you can send messages to NPD mobile numbers. TRAI (Telecom Regulatory Authority of India) introduced a special term called Transactional SMS.

These SMS packages are used in banks, ATM data and other transaction processes, etc. Some TRAI advertising words are restricted in this SMS. Many businesses have used transactional SMS to communicate account balances, billing details, confirmation messages, bank account balances, and many other personal information. The features of transactional SMS are you can send information to both non-MDN and MDN mobile numbers, you can do it anytime (24/7), you will receive a six-digit sender ID etc. You can only send details or content, but don't allow promotional content in transactional SMS.

On the other hand, promotional SMS are only for promotions, sales and Marketing, mass campaigns and other promotional activities. You can send promotional messages to non-DND numbers, instant delivery, automatic filtering of DND numbers and more. Promotional SMS are sent for marketing and promotional purposes. Promotional SMS are very useful for startups as they are an effective and fast promotional tool while being available on very low prices. Some of the special features of promotional SMS are automatic drawing of DND numbers from the list, instant delivery and 100% guarantee, etc. TRAI sets certain rules for promotional SMS and transactional SMS.

For Promotional SMS: -
Each message with promotional content is therefore considered a promotional SMS.
SMS messages are not sent to DND mobile numbers.

For transactional SMS: -
This message is only used as a service message, e.g. B. train reservation, bank account details, ATM transaction details, etc.
Used to send only personal and confidential information from organizations such as banks, railways, e-commerce, etc.
The transaction message is sent from the transaction account and its so-called sender ID.
No time limit for sending SMS.

Promotional SMS is one of the best promotional tools used to promote or sell any product or service and such SMS cannot be sent to registered DND (Do Not Disturb) numbers. Transactional text messages are text messages used to send you important or necessary information. For example: user receives bank details information for bank, company sends billing details of their customers, etc.

Usage Of Promotional SMS  :- 

Promotional text messages are only used for branding and promotional activities. It offers many advantages like cheaper, faster and more reliable. Advertising SMS are among the creative means of advertising.

Many companies and industries have preferred these SMS for advertising, sales and marketing. Promotional text messages are not sent to DND mobile numbers. So many industries are using Promotional SMS like e-commerce, retail, sales & Services, etc. It is used in big promotions, mass campaigns, etc. For example, companies advertise their products and services via SMS on your cell phone and you receive new offers via advertising SMS. You can also use promotional SMS to send messages about New Year's Eve, wedding anniversaries, birthdays, etc. You can message thousands of people in a second. With this SMS you will achieve a big goal and it is most useful for new entrepreneurs or organizations as it provides a creative platform for rapid growth. Today, promotional SMS assumes all its importance in the field of marketing. Promotional text messages are used by many companies and industries to organize the branding of their services.

Promotional SMS have many advantages: - 
If you can send multiple messages at once, select Promotional SMS for immediate delivery.
You can send SMS directly from an Excel spreadsheet containing all your  contacts.
Promotional SMS are more effective than e-mails because almost all SMS sent are opened, but in some cases the e-mail is not opened.
It is available at a very low price compared to other promotional tools such as television, radio, mass media, etc.
Promotional SMS is the most reliable service.
You are about to send a 160-character message.
Promotional SMS are making marketing history because of their great potential and will grow rapidly over time.

Promotional text messages are easy to use and are for promotional purposes only and cannot be sent to DND mobile numbers. Promotional SMS is one of the most popular services in the advertising industry. Promotional SMS are chosen by all industries to promote their product or service and for other promotional purposes. Promotional SMS are used mostly for advertising purposes in accordance with TRAI & Arrangement.

Usage Transactional Of SMS :-
Transactional SMS is the basic and important unit of communication. It is more useful for various commercial purposes. It is effective & the fastest way to communicate. Transactional Massages are used in banking, e-commerce, finance, etc. You can send SMS to DND and non-DND mobile numbers. Transactional Bulk SMS are used by Indian Railways and Indian Airlines to send important timetables, updates, ticket reservations . You can only send messages to a registered customer or employee via Transactional SMS in accordance with TRAI rules and regulations. If you want to send updates or important information to your existing customers, you can send opt through transactional SMS as they are sent to DND and non-DND numbers. Transactional SMS are not meant for promotional activities. These messages are used by banks, schools and other organizations.  

For example:-
SMS sent by the bank to its customers with bank details.
SMS sent by the railway notifying you of the ticket confirmation.
SMS sent by E-Commerce to its customers with purchase and shipping details. 

Transaction SMS:-

Transactional Bulk Massages is a fast, cheap and creative service for quick communication with customers. The Transactional SMS also serves as support for information or updates. Transactional SMS are great for sending notifications and reminders to your current customer. In this SMS you need a 6-digit sender ID. For example, if your company name is "ABM Pvt Ltd", you need to create your Sender ID as "ABMPVL". These are the best affordable services that offer many additional services. TRAI (Indian Telecommunications Regulatory Authority), which provides some rules for SMS communication. Transactional SMS have grown in popularity in a short space of time. Transactional text messages are sent to DND mobile numbers, not DND. Only send transactional text messages to people or customers you know or use your services. TRAI (Telecommunications Regulatory Authority of India) establishes rules and regulations for transactional SMS. These text messages are consistently popular in the market due to their excellent features. Many companies use these messages to send updates and important information to their existing employees and customers. Transactional SMS are not used as promotional SMS as it is an illegal promotional activity. Currently, the demand for transactional SMS is increasing rapidly in several areas.